
The Holidays Are Upon Us

The Holidays Are Upon Us

November is here, the clocks have been set back, Halloween has come and gone (except for some candy stashed away) and we can skip Thanksgiving and go straight to Christmas. At least that is what I saw last night on television. Numerous commercials for big box stores explaining what we all want and need for the upcoming holiday next month.

All those gifts of toys, tools, jewelry, shirts and perfume come in packages. We love to get them but in many cases we dread opening them. Toy packaging should come with headache medicine as many a Christmas Eve has been spent not only assembling these toys but battling twisty ties and such just to get to the toys at hand.

I realize that some of the holiday packaging design can be a challenge to open and some that we request or purchase at stores (to package the gifts ourselves) come in thinner material every year but we just have to get along with the spirit of giving and smile as we wrap, open and dispose of the holiday packaging.

So if you have a particular holiday package that sticks in your memory, please share a few lines about it with us here.

Ho, ho, ho.

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