
Our processing capabilities include kitting assembly and promotional packaging services in temperature-controlled environments, as well as special configurations for club stores and other retailers. We have a unique ability to integrate secondary packaging operations into primary packaging. This reduces transportation and double handling costs, minimizes the risk of product damage, and allows us to quickly meet constantly changing market demands within one operation.

We use only the state-of-the-art equipment while maintaining a clean and sanitary work environment. Customers are impressed with the quality of the packaging we do for them with such a fast turnaround time. We do everything we can to make sure you have your fulfillment order completed quickly without sacrificing integrity and quality.

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Shrink Wrapping

Our ability to vertically form fill and seal your products before cartoning reduces handling and decreases time to market. Our supply chain allows us to provide our customers with a turnkey packaging solution. We have the ability to simply insert a plastic bag in a carton or insert specific quantities in a carton.

With our extensive experience in kitting, we have the capability to assemble a variety of kits inline as they enter the high-speed shrink-wrapping equipment. Our machine’s ability to handle a variety of shrink-wrap film structures allows us to use print-registered films or crystal-clear films.

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Shrink Wrapping

Blister Packaging

Blister packaging is an affordable choice when making packages that are transparent, tamper-proof as well as durable. Clear blister packs are also used with a cardboard blister card that helps keep the product in full view of the customer for them to examine.

Using a heat-sealing process, the blister packaging and card are combined which enables a product to be shown in a wide variety of ways. This process is completed with highly automated equipment, but the use of plastic blister packs is somewhat limited to lightweight items. Contact us regarding what the limitations are.

Combined Technologies will put our experience and expertise into designing the right blister packaging that works for you and your product.

Free Quotes on Custom Blister Packs

Choosing the right blister packs is more affordable than you think. Want to know how affordable? If so, then please feel free to contact us today to obtain a free estimate. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

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Blister Packaging