Industry News
What Exactly is Anti-Counterfeit Packaging?

What Exactly is Anti-Counterfeit Packaging?

In today’s fast-paced world, nearly anything can be counterfeited. Whether it’s money, designer shoes and handbags, or even food, counterfeiting is a difficult problem and one that many of the world’s biggest food producers are working to overcome. Anti-counterfeit packaging is designed to be very difficult to replicate, and this could help consumers make better […]

Industry News
Packaging Trends you Might Not See Any Longer in 2018

Packaging Trends you Might Not See Any Longer in 2018

Packaging can be thought of as fashion for manufactured goods. And just as fashion trends change, so do packaging waves. Some packaging trends are on the increase, while others such as these could find themselves on the way out during 2018. #1. Busy, Overly Cluttered Designs Manufacturers have been under intense pressure to include lots […]

Industry News
Awesome Sustainable Packaging Examples of 2017

Awesome Sustainable Packaging Examples of 2017

Consumers are more aware than ever how packaging affects the environment. As such, they are looking for more than just recyclable packaging-in fact, more people are now interested in sustainable wrappings made from reused materials. Sustainable packaging is anything but boring these days-take a look at some of these amazing examples from the past year. […]

Industry News
Contract Packaging Industry – What you Need to Know

Contract Packaging Industry – What you Need to Know

A contract packaging company is one which provides an extensive range of packaging services, equipment and facilities. Clients can choose to have the company provide some or all of these options to ensure that they are provided with the correct types of packaging to suit their needs. Some of these companies focus on one specific […]

Articles, Industry News
What’s the State of Packaging for 2015?

What’s the State of Packaging for 2015?

The packaging industry is always changing, and it can be hard to understand and keep up with this rapidly changing industry. So what is the state of packaging for 2015? Anton Steeman, writer of the blog “Best in Packaging” has the answer. In an interview on CTI’s “Package Talk” blog, he shares his thoughts on […]