Artisanal Vs. The Little Guy

Artisanal Vs. The Little Guy

Recently I was shopping in the cheese section at a local grocery and noticed some big name brands, some artisanal selections and then the little guy brands. You know those products as the packaging is some very basic plastic wrap with a minimalist label on the front. It shows a company name, brief product description […]

Tea For You!

Tea For You!

Yesterday a team from our office met with a client at a Starbucks to review some recent work and brainstorm on upcoming projects. Things went well and we accomplished quite a bit. While there, I spent some time looking at the packaging. Who doesn’t like to see what Starbucks offerings are available? There’s an array […]

Even If…

Even If…

I was reading about new package design today and came across this one in the wine pouch arena. With all the new innovations in the marketplace for wine packaging (non-cork bottle plugs, screw tops, and box wines) I found this one to be an eye catcher. I was attracted by the elegant wine bottle with […]

Taking Time Out To Help Others

Taking Time Out To Help Others

At Combined Technologies we find time to assist those in need through community service. Recently, our Dallas / Ft. Worth office, headed up by Tod Ramirez, spent the day working with Habitat For Humanity. Founded in 1976 by Millard and Linda Fuller, Habitat for Humanity International has built more than 500,000 quality, affordable homes and […]

Who Wants A Tall Cold One?

Who Wants A Tall Cold One?

When I was a youngster I remember my dad drank Budweiser beer that came in a 16oz. can. Cold and frosty, it was poured into a tall thin glass and looked absolutely delicious. I thought Bud was king. Then I saw a commercial for Hamm’s beer. And then one for Old Style, and Meister Brau, […]

Articles, Industry News
Nutrition Facts

Nutrition Facts

We all read (or try to read) the Nutrition Label that the FDA requires on food packaging. I’ve seen many people looking the label over while shopping in grocery stores and wonder what the consensus is. Well, it seems that the information wasn’t conveying the best message possible as the FDA has  a new proposed […]

The Perceived Value of a Bottle in a Box

The Perceived Value of a Bottle in a Box

When you shop for items and find them to be in a bottle, do you feel you should buy the one that is packaged inside a box? Is there a perceived “higher” value or do you see it as a waste of material. It is understandable that some products that are packaged in a bottle […]