Walking the Walk

Walking the Walk

Here at Combined Technologies, we take sustainability seriously and try to incorporate it in more than just our business. Jerry Thompson, the top dog here exemplifies this practice. He is pictured here with his wife Michelle, and their 2 children Regan and River in front of their house that sports solar panels. Not in the […]

Articles, Interviews
Sustainable Packaging Forum 2010

Sustainable Packaging Forum 2010

Last week I had the pleasure of attending the Sustainable Packaging Forum in Phoenix, Arizona. Over 300 people were in attendance representing some 270 companies to learn and share about the issues of sustainability in packaging. In a 2 day period 30 speakers presented information that was current and pertinent to the concerns of many […]

Articles, Industry News
Not Wasting Any Time

Not Wasting Any Time

Recently there was an article posted on about recycling and composting efforts in San Francisco. In 2008, through recycling and composting, the city diverted 77% of its garbage from landfills – a national record. In 2009 the city instituted a mandatory recycling and composting program for all residences and businesses. Composting rose 45% since […]

What Do You Want Your Packaging To Do?

What Do You Want Your Packaging To Do?

When we meet with prospective clients this question comes up at some point during the initial meeting. The reactions are varied as well as the responses. Some rattle off a list of requirements while others recite what sounds like a canned request. The reactions range from confident and assured to a deer in the headlights […]