TerraCycle Develops Recycling for Disposable Diapers
Saw this article last week and felt it was worth passing on for a good read about a messy subject. TerraCycle Develops Recycling for Disposable Diapers By Chrissy Kadleck TRENTON, N.J. (Jan. 24, 11 a.m. ET) — One of the dirtiest and most demonized portions of the municipal waste stream may soon be diverted from […]
Recycling Old Faithful and Doing It Justice
Beginning January 1, 2012 landfills in the state of Illinois will not accept electronic devices such as televisions, computers and cell phones. Those kinds of devices must, instead, be disposed of through a recycling company or organization. We’re all aware of the overcrowding in landfills and the time has come to recycle and repurpose the […]
Some Brands Are Just Reborn for Another Generation
Back in the 60’s there was a men’s cologne that came onto the market called Hai Karate. This was the “chick magnet” that was going to make magic for every guy. Women were going to flock to you the moment you doused some of this amazing liquid on your face. It was so unbelievable that […]
The Second Life of a Package
Over the years I’ve been fascinated at how some packages experience a second life. When I was little, my mom used to save flour and sugar in old potato chip tins. Many of my friends saved various valuables in their fathers’ Crown Royal velvet whiskey satchels. Breath mint tins always appeared to be interesting storage […]
China Aims to Become World’s Largest Packaging Producer
Let’s Be Different Like Everyone Else
There comes a time in our lives when we seek an identity with the goal of expressing our personality and showing how we are unique individuals. In doing so we strive for recognition from those who are already accepted by many others. In this effort we really fall into conforming to a large group and […]
The Future Looks Bright on the Sustainable Thinking Front
The two images shown here are student entries in the 2011 Dieline Packaging Awards that were held last month in Chicago. The first was in the food category and the other in the home and garden category. These are student projects and in the past usually fall short as they tend to be “pie in […]
China Prices Continue to Go Up
To-date I have seen several articles about the rising cost in China. Many of our clients are complaining about the rising cost and losing projects as it isn’t as cost effective to send all manufacturing overseas. Of course being a manufacturer in the US this news is welcome!
A Cultural Shift in Packaging
When we think of packaging and making it more sustainable or more friendly to the environment, we think in small circles of comfort. So often we never look past the obvious to realize the many possibilities for successful solutions. The picture I have posted of an energy efficient bulb is housed in a corrugated wrap […]