The State of Packaging in Today’s Market (Interview 9)

Today we post the interview with Katherine O’Dea, Senior Fellow and Director, Advisory Services with the Sustainable Packaging Coalition. Katherine O’Dea joined GreenBlue in July 2007 as a Senior Fellow with over 18 years of experience in sustainability in both the private and nonprofit sectors, and she has recently become the Director of Advisory Services. […]

The State of Packaging in Today’s Market (Interview 8)

For those of you who have been following this series of interview we offer you number 8 from Will Burke, Principal & Chief Innovation Officer at CB’a Brand Engine. Will’s passion lies in bridging strategy and design to solve complex issues with great insight and straightforward solutions. Formerly with Landor Associates, Lister-Butler and Axion Design, […]

The State of Packaging in Today’s Market (Interview 7)

Welcome to Interview #7 in our series on packaging. Today we talk with Dan Olson, founder of Studio MPLS. When going to the Studio MPLS site, here is the message one encounters: “Every brand aims to be purposeful, proprietary and passionate. But how do you convey the essence of a brand in a way no […]

The State of Packaging in Today’s Market (Interview 6)

We switch gears now for Interview #6 going from designer to packaging publication editor Joe Pryweller of Packaging Strategies. The insights are a bit different as are the questions we posed to Joe. Joe’s  experience with Packaging Strategies has run from Senior Reporter through Chief Editor and now as Editor/Conference Director. He’s well-informed about the […]

The State of Packaging in Today’s Market (Interview 5)

Today we offer segment 5 in our interviews on packaging in today’s retail market. The point of view comes from Steve Liska, owner at Liska + Associates in Chicago, Illinois. Steve Liska founded Liska+Associates in 1980. He is actively involved in each project, supervising all steps to ensure that the firm continues to provide creative […]

The State of Packaging in Today’s Market (Interview 4)

Installment number 4 brings us a perspective from New York branding expert, Debbie Millman, President of the design division at Sterling Brands.   Debbie Millman has worked in the design business for over 25 years. She is President of the design division at Sterling Brands. She has been there for 17 years and in that […]

The State of Packaging in Today’s Market (Interview 3)

Here is the third installment of our Interview Series and this time we turn to a multi-disciplined group from Greece called Designers United. Designers United is an award winning, multidisciplinary design firm focused in brand identity development, creative direction, and interaction based in Thessaloniki, Greece. The company has been creating integrated design solutions for a […]

The State of Packaging in Today’s Market (Interview 2)

Last week I posted the first in a series of interviews discussing the state of packaging in Today’s Market with Matt Barnes, Senior Designer at RR Donnelley in Atlanta, Georgia. This week we get a different perspective as we hear from Anton Steeman, a packaging technology writer from Brazil. After some 45 years of experience in […]

The State of Packaging in Today’s Market (Interview 1)

While working on a proposal for a package design recently, I stopped and noticed a certain routine to my work prompting me to wonder about the state of packaging in today’s market. It was seeming that prospects and clients alike were asking for guidance and recommendations on projects that disappeared as quickly as they arrived. […]

I Know What I Want – I’m Just Not Sure About It

  Have you ever taken a meeting with a client to discuss strategy for designing their new packaging only to run into a wall of indecision? Did you walk away wondering what just happened? Did you notice that your notepad was filled with doodles and scribbles that made no sense? Last week I was in […]

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