I Can’t Give The Best Unless I Got Room To Move

Recently someone in our office purchased a home cordless phone system which came in the box shown here. It appears simple enough as it has pictures showing the product, the features and all the information a consumer would want to know prior to purchasing. It contains 5 handsets and a base station – the normal […]

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What Do You Do and Why Are You Here?

Last week we exhibited at the Sustainable Brands Conference in San Diego. There were at least 50 exhibitors displaying their products and services varying from paddle boards made from sustainable materials that are used for yoga to a company that produces books discussing sustainability for business and personal use. We met non-profits discussing global issues […]

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Show Me What You Got

  Next week we will be exhibiting at the Sustainable Brands Conference in San Diego, California. The Sustainable Brands Conference is ground zero for sustainability, brand and innovation professionals who come together from around the world to be inspired, engaged and equipped to succeed by building the better brands of tomorrow, while building a network […]

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A Look Into The Future

Last week I had the honor to participate in the AmeriStar Packaging Awards in the role of judge. I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity of judging package designs in the Student Category and I must say I was impressed. When we work in package design we consider numerous points and cover a lot […]

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Does Retro Packaging Always Work?

  I came across this recent article in the BBC about retro packaging stating the following: “A new trend in Portugal is seeing shopkeepers stock their shelves with products and packaging which deliberately hark back to the designs of previous decades. Toys, perfumes and foods with a vintage look are proving particularly popular with tourists […]

What Do You Tell The Consumer About Your Packaging?

  A recurring question I discuss with clients now is about what they should tell their consumers when it comes to their packaging. Do they claim that their package is now recyclable and environment friendly? Is the sustainability factor something they want to plaster on their package to brag about? If the package is compostable […]

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When the Package Gets Undersold by the Clerk

  The other day I was with my wife as she was out shopping for a new cell phone. After she made her choice, two things caught my attention. The first was when the clerk assisting her was setting up the phone. My wife  opened the package to look for instructions and while doing so, […]

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What Do You Do With The Package?

The role of retail packaging is always changing. The size relationship of the package to the product is much closer today due to the demand for less waste in packaging. The materials used have also changed. The retail package now has to work harder in connecting the consumer to the product and do so in […]

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Packaging at CES

Every year we attend various trade shows including the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas where new and exciting electronic products are unveiled to the public. Items like the latest and greatest big screen tv’s are displayed. During the show we look to see what the packaging for some of the smaller products are and […]

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Final Interview – The State of Packaging in Today’s Market

After posting interviews with people in our industry for the last few months. I felt it only appropriate to finish the series with my answers to the questions. Here they are. 1.    In today’s packaging, how much emphasis is placed on form and how much on graphics? Is one more dominant than the other? It […]

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