Is Nanotechnology Being Introduced to Food Packaging?

Technology as a whole continues to improve at an exponential rate, and the food industry has been affected just as much as any other. In fact, nanotechnology is a key area of focus, and for good reason – it could prevent a significant amount of waste and extend the life of packaged foods by a […]

What is the Food Safety Modernization Act?

On January 4, 2011, President Barack Obama signed the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) into law. The act was in direct response to an outbreak of foodborne illness that struck the US between 2000 and 2010 that was caused by numerous safety hazards all along the food industry’s supply chain. As a result, the FSMA […]

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Can Food Smell a Bit Like its Packaging?

If you’ve ever opened a food or beverage and noticed that it tasted a little like its packaging, you are certainly not alone. Oddly enough, this strange taste isn’t due to the packaging itself leaching into the food. In fact, it’s quite the opposite – the flavor and aroma of the food is being absorbed […]

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How to Properly Plan for the FSMA if You’re a Food Company

FSMA compliance is vitally important to the success of any food company. There’s a good chance that you have already put steps into place to ensure such compliance, as well. Nonetheless, understanding how the FSMA could affect you – and ensuring that you are ready for inspections and audits – is one of the best […]

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How Frozen Foods are Trimming Down on the Packaging

“Packaging-free” stores are certainly nothing new; in fact, many farmers’ markets across the country have operated this way for decades. Though these types of stores typically only offer packaging-free options for dry goods, some have even begun offering up frozen foods for consumers to package themselves. Here’s what you should know about packaging-free foods. Introduction […]

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Why the Packaging Industry Has to Think about Clamp Handling

Steps all along the supply chain handle packages in different ways. Sometimes packages are moved with fork trucks, but these days, the clamp truck is the way of the future. These trucks are beneficial in supply chains for many industries in several ways, and they are influencing the way the packaging industry designs, develops, and […]

Why Eco-Friendly Food Packaging is Important

There’s a huge debate surrounding packaging in today’s world as it continues to rely more and more heavily upon ecommerce. Excess packaging is still a big issue, and one that is difficult for packaging companies to truly address in a way that is affordable and logical. Fortunately, these companies are offering more sustainable and eco-friendly […]

Packaging Issues for eCommerce Companies

There’s no doubt that ecommerce continues to grow with every passing year as consumers all over the world discover the convenience of online shopping. For the manufacturers and sellers, packaging can be difficult, and that’s evident with some of the information below. By learning more about common packaging issues in ecommerce, you can make better […]

How Shoppers Respond to Packaging Colors

Color is a very powerful thing. It can influence people’s moods, and as a result, it can even have an impact on buying decisions. Exploring the way color has these effects can help you make better choices about your product packaging, and it could even have a positive influence on your brand as a whole. […]

Is Product Packaging Turning Towards Convenience?

Over the last few years, there have been a few noticeable trends develop in the packaged goods industry. Of these, the shift to more convenient product packaging is one of the most noticeable – and one of the most profound for many big-name food product manufacturers. Understanding how the industry is changing to facilitate consumer […]

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