Want vs. Need

Want vs. Need

How many times have you found yourself staring at something and realizing that you want it? You want it so bad that you can taste it and feel that getting it is the best thing for you. And suddenly, you realize that it isn’t what you really need. Not that what you need isn’t sexy […]

What’s New In Blisters and Clamshells Part 3

What’s New In Blisters and Clamshells Part 3

Here is the third and final segment of this post and many thanks to my friend Anton Steeman at for letting us push this out to all of you. Clamshell For Fruit With Ripeness Indicator Declining global consumption of fresh fruit and vegetables has been concerning health professionals and produce trade leaders for some time. […]

What’s New In Blisters and Clamshells Part 2

What’s New In Blisters and Clamshells Part 2

Today we continue with Part 2. LED light bulb packaging Akihiko Kotani and Mitsutoshi Ohta designers in Tokyo, Japan, created for Panasonic Corporation in Osaka, Japan, a LED light bulb packaging with a paper craft-like structure. The packaging can just be folded without the need for heat molding. The packaging simply divides into transparent PET […]