Does Your Package Act As A Reflection Of Your Brand?

Does Your Package Act As A Reflection Of Your Brand?

In looking at a package, I see a connection. At times the connection is directly to me and my persona. Other times to price points I may or may not be seeking at the time. And then I see connections to the product’s brand. It can be made through color, shapes and graphics. Here I […]

Artisanal Vs. The Little Guy

Artisanal Vs. The Little Guy

Recently I was shopping in the cheese section at a local grocery and noticed some big name brands, some artisanal selections and then the little guy brands. You know those products as the packaging is some very basic plastic wrap with a minimalist label on the front. It shows a company name, brief product description […]

Tea For You!

Tea For You!

Yesterday a team from our office met with a client at a Starbucks to review some recent work and brainstorm on upcoming projects. Things went well and we accomplished quite a bit. While there, I spent some time looking at the packaging. Who doesn’t like to see what Starbucks offerings are available? There’s an array […]