Frustration Comes in All Shapes and Sizes
When my boss came into work this morning he was carrying a bag that contained the product in the adjacent photo. A little while later I went into his office to watch him wrestle the package and toss out a few choice words as he struggled to open it. I asked him why he was […]
TerraCycle Develops Recycling for Disposable Diapers
Saw this article last week and felt it was worth passing on for a good read about a messy subject. TerraCycle Develops Recycling for Disposable Diapers By Chrissy Kadleck TRENTON, N.J. (Jan. 24, 11 a.m. ET) — One of the dirtiest and most demonized portions of the municipal waste stream may soon be diverted from […]
Recycling Old Faithful and Doing It Justice
Beginning January 1, 2012 landfills in the state of Illinois will not accept electronic devices such as televisions, computers and cell phones. Those kinds of devices must, instead, be disposed of through a recycling company or organization. We’re all aware of the overcrowding in landfills and the time has come to recycle and repurpose the […]