The State of Packaging – 2015 (Interview 2)

Interview 2 on the state of packaging – 2015 is with Steve Liska, owner at Liska + Associates in Chicago, Illinois. Steve Liska founded Liska+Associates in 1980 and is actively involved in each project, supervising all steps to ensure that the firm continues to provide creative solutions that meet and exceed client’s objectives. Steve is […]

The State of Packaging – 2015 (Interview 1)

A few years ago I interviewed a group in the packaging industry to get their viewpoints on the state of packaging. There were some varied thoughts and opinions and I felt that now would be a good time to revisit the subject with some new questions. So to start the interview I present Matt Barnes, […]

What Is This Going To Cost Me?

In today’s manufacturing world we monitor costs. All costs. And so do our clients. Charging fairly for work done is always good but is there a little bit more you can offer your client that lowers the estimated cost? If you design, manufacture and fulfill packaging do you charge for all three? Do you waive […]

How’s The Service Here?

How many times have people recommended restaurants, hotels and even destinations to you? And in business, how many recommendations have been given to you when searching for a supplier or a firm to partner with on a new project? The restaurants are probably the easiest to confirm by looking up reviews. Hotels and destinations are […]

What’s New In Blisters and Clamshells Part 3

Here is the third and final segment of this post and many thanks to my friend Anton Steeman at for letting us push this out to all of you. Clamshell For Fruit With Ripeness Indicator Declining global consumption of fresh fruit and vegetables has been concerning health professionals and produce trade leaders for some time. […]

What’s New In Blisters and Clamshells Part 2

Today we continue with Part 2. LED light bulb packaging Akihiko Kotani and Mitsutoshi Ohta designers in Tokyo, Japan, created for Panasonic Corporation in Osaka, Japan, a LED light bulb packaging with a paper craft-like structure. The packaging can just be folded without the need for heat molding. The packaging simply divides into transparent PET […]

Haven’t We Met Before?

While shopping recently in a big chain retail store I noticed something peculiar. I viewed 3 different prepay phones and saw that the packaging was all very similar. Now the shapes and colors may have varied but the functions were all the same. Whether the product was in a clam or a box they all […]

Pass Me The Cereal Please

For at least the past 50 years breakfast cereal has come in boxes similar to the ones at left. They have been colorful and work to attract target consumers (most of them being children). On the boxes were games and information that helped to hold one’s interest while consuming the product and desiring more. As […]

Does Your Package Act As A Reflection Of Your Brand?

In looking at a package, I see a connection. At times the connection is directly to me and my persona. Other times to price points I may or may not be seeking at the time. And then I see connections to the product’s brand. It can be made through color, shapes and graphics. Here I […]

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